Sunday, April 25, 2010

'Mild Sexual Content or Nudity'

'Mild Profanity', 'Suggestive Themes' and 'Crude Humour' aren't the phrases I would usually associate with the Irish Times. It's a well written, high-brow paper, which is enduring some tough times at present, as all news publications are.

The Irish Times has a new addition to it's online offering, an App (or 'application) for the iPhone, which I think is a very good thing. I'm reserving my judgement on the App itself just yet; but getting to read Irish Times content while commuting is great and the cost is very reasonable (€1.59)

The paper isn't the only one to offer an App: The Guardian are the market leader (at least as far as I'm concerned) and do a great job, with customised content and a lot of variety. You can check out the FAQ for their App here and a video on it here.

Getting back to the Irish Times, the good people at Apple have decided to rate the Irish Times 12+ for amongst other things, 'Mild Horror', 'Fear Themes' and 'Mild Sexual Content or Nudity'.

Is there something we should know? Has the paper fallen on such tough times that they're going 'adult' to make ends meet? Answers on a digital postcard to the usual address.

(Click on the picture below for a screen cap of the page in question.)

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