Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Final Edition

I've posted an interesting video below, a short piece documenting the final days of the Rocky Mountain News, a fine newspaper that existed for 149 years, 311 days before closing it's doors on February 27th 2009.

To give a local perspective, the paper was founded just 24 days after our own Irish Times was and was one of the top 'quality papers' in the States, winning 4 Pulitzer prizes under the leadership of it's final editor alone.

Despite this, despite good circulation numbers and despite being one of the best loved papers in the US, it no longer exists.

Did the web kill the Rocky Mountain News? Probably not. But woeful mismanagement of the paper and it's web presence, a newspaper war with The Denver Post and lack of any clear leadership all contributed to the death of an institution.

But more on that later. For now, check out the video below. If you have any interest in news and newspapers you'll find it heartbraking.

Final Edition from Matthew Roberts on Vimeo.

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